Police officer who was on leave dies in tragic road crash along Eldoret-Webuye Highway


A police officer who was on an annual leave at his home area in Lugari sub-county, Kakamega County died in a road accident on Thursday morning.

The accident occurred on the busy Eldoret-Webuye highway, between Mwamba market and Turbo township in Spring Park.

The officer who died on the spot was riding a motorcycle heading to Turbo from Mwamba and was hit from behind by a transit goods truck.

Confirming the accident, Lugari Sub County Police Commander Bernard Ngungu said three other people were critically injured in the accident. They were a boda boda rider and two female passengers who were traveling in the accident truck.

“Unfortunately, we have lost one of our officers who was on his annual leave around the Lugari area. By the time of the accident he was heading to Turbo on a motorcycle that was hit from behind resulting in his death on the spot,” said Mr Ngungu.

The officer was attached at Fort Tena police station in Kericho County.

“The body was moved from the scene and taken to Kimbilio Hospice Hospital Mortuary while the four survivors were rushed to Turbo Sub County hospital for treatment,” said Mr Ngungu.

He claimed that the truck driver fled the scene to an unknown location, and that police are looking for him.

Mr Ngungu stated that the cause of the accident has yet to be determined, but it is suspected that the truck suffered brake failure before veering off the road, colliding with the riders and landing in a ditch along the road.
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