Thika MP Urges Government To Extend School Opening Dates Due To Heavy Rains

Alice Ng'ang'a, a Thika Member of Parliament, has urged the government to extend the school holiday by a week to ensure students' safety due to heavy rains.

Speaking in Thika on Saturday, Ng'ang'a emphasized the importance of assessing the situation before reopening schools, particularly since the Kenya Meteorological Department predicts more rain.

"We have a holiday in the middle of the week on Wednesday. If the rains persist on Monday and Tuesday, let the children have one more week," MP Ng’ang’a stated, expressing concern for the children's safety.

Ng’ang’a highlighted the preference for keeping children safe rather than risking their exposure to floods by reopening schools prematurely. She appealed to the Ministry of Education to postpone the school reopening date due to the prevailing rainy weather conditions.

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