Four Family Members Killed In Accident On Bomet-Olenguruone Road


Four family members were killed in a car accident on Thursday near the Tenwek Bridge on the Bomet-Olenguruone road.

According to Bomet central Sub-county police chief Musa Oma, who confirmed the incident, the four were driving in a saloon car when it was hit by a truck in the centre of the bridge, causing it to plunge into the river.

The police chief stated that the accident occurred while both vehicles were heading in the general direction of Silibwet.

 Mr.Omar stated that all of the occupants in the saloon car died as a result of the impact of their car falling into the deep water.

Police and members of the public were able to recover the bodies of three people: a male and two females, who were moved to a mortuary at Longisa Hospital.

The body of a minor is still  missing.

"It's an unfortunate accident. The car, after landing in the water, was moved away by raging floods some 50 meters away before it was stopped by trees along the river. We have impounded the car after it was removed from the water", added Omar.

Following the incident, the driver of the truck fled the scene and is expected to record a statement with the police. Meanwhile, the wreckage of the ill-fated car has been towed to Bomet police station.

A snarl-up of vehicles plying the Olenguruone -Bomet road lasted for more than three hours before police restored normalcy.
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