UK, Australia Issue Travel Advisories Over Terror Threats


The United Kingdom (UK) and Australia over the weekend issued travel advisories over threat of increased terrorism targeting foreigners in Kenya.

In two separate alerts, the two countries cautioned their citizens to be extremely careful while in Kenya.

For the UK, it asked its citizens not to pay visits in five areas which include; the Kenya- Somalia border, Eastern, Garissa, Lamu, Tana River and Mandera County.

“FCDO advises against all but essential travel to areas within 60km of Kenya’s border with Somalia. FCDO also advises against all but essential travel to areas of Tana River County north of the Tana River, up to 20km northwest of the A3,” the statement issued by UK read in part.

Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFA) warned its citizens traveling to Kenya over a possible terror attack.

Australia said that terror related cases and violent crime had gone up in the country.

It said that the attacks would occur anytime and will be extremely random plus will be targeting foreigners.

“Terrorists continue to maintain a strong interest in attacking foreigners in Nairobi and other major population centers in Kenya,” the statement read.

It added that al Shabaab was still interested in attacking Kenya.

Police said there is no cause for alarm adding they had taken measures to address the threats.

The teams tasked with the operations said they have thwarted a number of planned attacks in the country.

“Safe for some areas along the Kenya-Somalia border where these thugs keep attacking, the country is generally safe,” a police officer said.

He added they have intensified operations to tame any further plans.

Last week, four people including two police officers died following a terror attack in Mandera County.

This was after terrorists set up a bomb in a food kiosk in the area. A suspect who ferried the terrorists has been detained for grilling.

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