Two Businessmen In Ksh.64M Gold Scam Case Freed Over Lack Of Evidence


Three businessmen who were charged in a Ksh.64 million gold swindle case have been released due to a lack of evidence.

Partick Ngare Muchina and Congolese national Muke wa Mansoni Didier were freed after the prosecution requested to withdraw their release.

The court was informed that after reviewing the case against the two, the prosecution discovered no evidence linking them to the claimed fraud case.

They were charged with many counts of conspiracy to commit a felony and acquiring money under false pretense.

They were charged alongside Kelvin Mwaura, whose case will however proceed.

The suspects were arraigned last year for allegedly defrauding Iranian businessman Sadegh Sadeghain Abolfazi of Ksh.64 million in a fake gold deal.

They allegedly obtaining USD 500,000 from Abolfazi by falsely pretending that they were in a position to sell to him 60 kilograms of gold, a fact they knew to be false.

The court was told that the alleged offence occurred on diverse dates between April 2021 and April 2023 at Kilimani, Nairobi.

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