TSC Has Deregistered 65 Teachers Due To Gross Misconduct


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has taken decisive action, announcing the removal and deregistration of 65 teachers from its register due to unspecified infractions.

According to the notice issued on Friday, April 20, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) gazetted the deregistration and removal of 23 teachers effective October 23, 2023, and 43 teachers effective March 8, 2024.

The decision follows a thorough examination of cases involving these educators.

TSC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nancy Macharia, in the gazette notice, affirmed that the teachers had been found guilty of the offences levied against them under section 30 (2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012.

However, specific charges were not disclosed by Macharia or the Commission.

The deregistration of these educators falls under Section 30 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012, which delineates various grounds for removal from the register.

Such grounds include obtaining registration through fraudulent means, the conviction of sexual or criminal offences, and incapacity due to physical or mental illness.

The Act states unequivocally in Section 30(5) that a teacher removed from the register ceases to hold the status of a teacher from the date of removal.

Moreover, reinstatement to the register can only occur by the Commission's direction, ensuring stringent adherence to professional standards.

Section 44 (b) of the TSC Act reinforces the seriousness of misrepresentation, stipulating penalties for falsely claiming to be a registered teacher.

Those found guilty face fines of up to Ksh100,000 or imprisonment, or both, underscoring the gravity of such deceit.

Furthermore, the Act imposes penalties for engaging in teaching without registration, as well as for employing unregistered individuals in educational institutions. These measures aim to maintain the integrity and quality of education provision across the board.

This recent action by the TSC echoes similar steps taken in previous years. In 2022, over 100 teachers were deregistered for various offences.

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