Shock As Woman Abandons A 2-Week-Old Child At A Church In Siaya


Police are looking for a woman who allegedly abandoned her two-week-old baby boy at a church on the outskirts of Akala trading center in Gem, Siaya County.

According to Siaya County Commander Cleti Kimaiyo, the woman who is yet to be identified is said to have left the infant with one of the worshipers and never returned.

He said Sarah Atieno Okinyi reported the matter to the Akala police station.

She stated that while at the Gospel of Jesus Church, an unknown woman aged between 18 and 25 asked her to hold her baby boy as she went to the washroom.

She stated that on Sunday at 10:00 a.m., when the woman left for the washroom, she never returned to an unknown destination.

Kimaiyo stated that the woman's identity and even whereabouts have not yet been known, adding that efforts to trace and apprehend her are ongoing.

Further, he said that the children’s officer in the Gem Wagai sub-county was informed before they took the infant to the Rang’ala children’s home in the Ugunja sub-county for proper care and protection.

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