NEMA Orders County Gov'ts, Companies to Clear Storm Drains of Illegal Structures Hindering Water Flow

All County Governments and pertinent agencies have been instructed by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to remove any debris, such as illegal structures and market garbage, from storm drains that obstruct the free passage of storm water and receiving flowing water bodies.

NEMA Director General Mamo Boru issued a notice to the public advising all parties to follow Section 13 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 and to prepare for increased reactions.

In order to protect the environment and public health, he also gave firms who are subject to Extended Producer Responsibility legislation instructions to make sure that, during this time of flooding occurrences, they release as little waste and waste water discharges that could block waterways, as possible.

The statement also recommended the people to avoid flooded areas, relocate to higher ground, heed warnings from appropriate regulatory bodies on hazardous, environmentally sensitive areas, and collaborate with disaster risk reduction organisations in order to prevent disasters.

"Every Kenyan has a right to a clean and healthy environment and a duty to safeguard and enhance the environment," according to Section 3 (1) of EMCA CAP 387 Part II General Principles. The authority is still dedicated to making sure that there is a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all. 

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