EACC Arrests Taita Taveta County Assembly Official

EACC law enforcement officers have arrested Taita Taveta County Assembly clerk and escorted him to their Mombasa Regional Offices for processing pending arraignment.

The arrest comes after the High Court in Voi dismissed a case he had filed against EACC and ODPP seeking to stop his arrest and subsequent prosecution.

He was arrested over alleged fraudulent expenditure incurred in the bonding trip by 21 MCAs from Taita Taveta County to Zanzibar in 2022.

Justice George Dulu declined to issue the orders sought paving the way for prosecution and EACC to arrest and prosecute him.

EACC's investigations established that a total of Sh 17 million was spent on the trip out of which Sh9 million was directly paid to the organizers for logistics while Sh8 million was paid as interest to 30 officials.

The County Assembly is accused of using forged documents to account for the fraudulent expenditure.

According to EACC, the officials were overpaid while some of those who received allowances did not travel.

The High Court's decision refusing to stop the prosecution of the Clerk comes a day after former Chief Justice Maraga cautioned against judicial forum shopping in the pursuit of conservatory orders stopping the arrest, suspension and prosecution of graft suspects. 

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