Mudavadi Rallies Call For Urgent Solution To End Sudan Bloodshed

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has stated that there is an urgent need for quick action to end the Sudanese conflict, which has lasted more than a year. 

Mudavadi described the cost of violence and the loss of opportunities for Sudan, particularly children, as unacceptable.

In the spirit of "African Solutions to African Problems," he stated that the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the African Union must be involved in any international processes aimed at addressing the situation in Sudan. 

“We are all aware of the ever-rising numbers that put the dire situation into context for us. It is important to remember that each of the eight million people displaced, the 11 million people in need of medical aid and the 18 million people facing food insecurity, represents an individual story of suffering and struggle that could and should have been avoided,” Mudavadi said.

The PCS, who is also the Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Cabinet Secretary, made the remarks in Paris, France, at a Ministerial meeting to advance Sudan Peace Initiatives. 

“In honour of every one of these individual lives, and with respect to the dignity and worth of the human person, it is imperative that we act now,” Mudavadi affirmed.

As Sudan's regional neighbour, Mudavadi stated that Kenya remains committed to shared regional peace and security goals based on good neighbourliness and mutual respect. 

He did, however, claim that the conflict in Sudan poses an existential threat to regional peace and stability in Eastern Africa and the Horn of Africa. 

According to the IGAD Quartet's Heads of State, they continue to call on the warring parties to immediately halt all hostilities and reiterate that there is no military solution to Sudan's conflict. 

IGAD recently appointed Lawrence Korbandy of South Sudan as its Special Envoy for Sudan.

He stated that IGAD believes the Special Envoy and the African Union's (AU) High-Level Panel on the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan will both play an important role in ensuring regional inclusion and ownership of Sudan's peace initiatives.

“As we begin our deliberations here today, I urge that each one of us bear in mind our solemn duty to the people of Sudan. We all have a responsibility to abide by that uniting determination to save both present and succeeding generations from the scourge of war,” said the CS.

 “Our presence here today is evidence of the political will that exists towards reaching a solution to the conflict, both within Sudan itself and among regional and international partners. I wish to thank the Sudanese representatives here present, as well as Minister SÉJOURNÉ, Minister BAERBOCK, and High Representative BORRELL for organizing and co-chairing this important meeting,” he added.

He reiterated Kenya's three key principles of peace initiatives in Sudan, namely inclusion, commitment, and good faith, stating that these values, as expressed in the draft Declaration of Principles, should serve as the foundation for not only words in the meeting but also action for Sudanese. 

In order to achieve long-term peace in Sudan, he also advocated for structured and inclusive consultations with both warring parties and civilian actors.

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