Marsabit Governor Mohamud Blames Political Rivals After Arrest In Graft Probe


A major political showdown is brewing in Marsabit County after the county boss was grilled by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) over audit questions raised by the Auditor General in the 2020/2021 audit report.

Governor Mohamud Ali blamed his political opponents for his troubles while speaking at a "homecoming rally" in Saku town following his dramatic arrest by EACC investigators on Wednesday morning.

A visibly disgruntled county CEO declared that the gloves are off and it is time to confront his aggressors head on.

 “You have attempted it, now bring it on. I am ready for it,” said Governor Ali while addressing his supporters.

He added; ‘’While I don’t blame EACC as much apart from their unwarranted drama, I place all the blame on some of our local leaders who have been making baseless accusations about graft against my administration.”

His sentiments were shared by a group of area County Assembly members who supported him, including nominated MCA Sadia Araru. She demanded fair treatment from the authorities without pandering to any political constituency.

Governor Mohamud, who is serving his second and final term, has challenged local leaders, including his own Uran Ward MCA Halkano Konso, Saku Member of Parliament Dido Ali Rasso, and the area senator, to produce evidence in court once the EACC's investigations are completed.

“I want to challenge you to openly bear witness against me in court with evidence instead of writing letters to investigative authorities to settle political scores. I am clean and I’ve nothing to hide or run from,” he said.

Mohamud insists that his administration has not embezzled any resources under his watch since assuming office in 2017.

His assertion was however downplayed in a quick rejoinder by Saku MP Dido Ali Rasso, who said he would not celebrate thieves, criminals, and crooks.

“The governor is accused of embezzling funds, unless he is cleared by the judicial system, he has no moral authority to even address anyone trying to defend himself,” said Rasso.

"Don't be perplexed by what's going on. The only man making the loudest noise is the one caught with his hands in the cookie jar."
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