Governor Sakaja Orders Nairobi Residents Living Along Riverbeds To Relocate


Nairobi residents living along riverbeds and high areas have been ordered to relocate with immediate effect following flooding incidences in the city.

In a statement on Monday, April 22, 2024, the Nairobi County Government also ordered that all excavations along riparian land be suspended immediately.

The orders came after Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja chaired a multiagency team following the heavy rains witnessed in Nairobi over the weekend leading to flooding and destruction of property.

"In the meeting, it was agreed the multi-agency teams, with representatives from both national and county, would work together to continue mapping out the affected areas, address some of the key issues leading to flooding including evacuating residents living in Riparian areas, illegal dumping in the river and unclogging drainages," the statement read in part.

The City County has also ordered private service providers (PSPs) to stop illegal garbage dumping in undesignated areas. They have been ordered to transport all the waste collected to the Dandora dumpsite.

"Any PSP found not adhering to this their vehicles will be impounded, and PSP licences withdrawn," the statement added.

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