NEMA Bans Plastic Bags, Bin Liners Used for Garbage Collection


The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has banned the use of garbage bags and bin liners.

In a statement on Monday, April 22, 2024, the agency noted that it will conduct a crackdown to nab suppliers and users of the banned products.

NEMA also noted that it had in 2017 banned the manufacture, importation and use of plastic bags both for commercial and domestic use.

"To ensure environmentally sound management of the organic waste fraction, the Authority hereby directs that within 90 days from the date of this notice; All organic waste generated by households, private sector and public sector institutions, religious institutions, private and public functions and events; shall strictly be segregated and placed in 100 per cent biodegradable garbage bags/ bin liners only," the statement read in part.

The authority adviced that households collect organic waste separately after which it would be taken to the Material Recovery Facility for processing.

NEMA called upon county governments and private companies contracted to collect garbage - to give households completely biodegradable waste bags.

Households were further asked to label or colour code their segregated waste bags into organic and non-organic waste.

"All waste service providers to collect, handle and transport segregated waste," NEMA directed. 

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