Fugitive Murder Suspect Kang'ethe Raises Concerns over Ill Health, Family Safety


The murder suspect fugitive Kelvin Kang'the accused of killing his wife and leaving her in a car at an airport in Boston, USA has once again moved Milimani Law Courts with a complaint saying his health is deteriorating and if he is not taken to hospital, the United States of America may be forced to recall their extradition documents as he might die in cells before facing any murder trial in USA.

Appearing before Milimani Chief Magistrate Lucas Onyina, Kevin Kang'ethe through his lawyer spoke of some "silent issues" that he has had to endure while in custody at the Industrial Area Remand and Allocation Centre.

Kang'ethe is detained at the facility awaiting the hearing and determination of his extradition proceedings to America where he is expected to face first degree murder trial.

His counsel Maina Ndegwa told the court Kang'ethe's family has been receiving threats and intimidations from time to time.

"His family is being intimidated everytime now and then. They are being issued with threats and we think that is because of association," he said.

"We are seeking protection from the court so his family can have peace."

The court was also told that the man needs access to a medical facility which he has not received.

"The continued denial of his access to his phone and credit card is construed to denial to access of justice because there are other applications he (Kang'ethe) needs to make and he needs money which he had no access to," he said.

He urged the court to order that the suspect be given access to the same.

He further stated that they had not been able to get typed court orders despite having paid for them, saying every time they tried getting the same they would be taken in circles.

The state led by Ms Nduati acknowledged the issues and noted that they were contained in the respondent's documents.

She stated that the same had been served to them about an hour before court and they had not yet had time to respond to them.

She prayed that the court adjourns until Monday to address both the bail/bond proceedings and the issues raised today.

On the issue of medical access, the government asked the court to issue orders for the suspect to be taken to either Kenyatta National Hospital or any hospital of choice to the detention facility.

Magistrate Onyina approved the request for medical attention and ordered that Kang'ethe be escorted to the hospital.

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