Father From Hell: Man Who Snapped His Baby's Neck Sentenced To Life In Prison

An evil father who'snapped' his month-old son's neck has been imprisoned for life.

Little Ollie Davis was found dead in his cot at home in Leicester in October 2017.

He sustained a slew of horrific injuries common in car accidents, including fractures to his skull, collar bone, ribs, both arms, and all limb joints.

His father, Michael Davis, 29, was convicted of murder and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm at Leicester Crown Court last month. He was sentenced today to at least 22 years in prison.

He told Davis: ‘I have no doubt that during the night you became frustrated and angry and this led to terrible violence.

‘You assaulted him on multiple occasions. The attacks in their various forms were also brutal – in particular the fatal neck injury.’

Kayleigh Driver, 31, the infant's mother, was cleared of murder but convicted of allowing a child's death and serious physical injury.

Mr Justice Cotter sentenced her to seven years in prison, saying: 'You must have heard Ollie's cries after he was assaulted because you were in the bedroom together.

'This must have awakened you.'

The couple's prosecution was hampered by complex medical evidence and Driver's health problems, which forced him to appear for sentence on a mobility scooter due to a chronic neurological condition.

During a two-month trial, it was revealed that Ollie had approximately 40 fractures, including breaks to his skull, collar bone, both arms, 23 rib fractures, and breaks to all four limb joints.

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