Embu County Deputy Speaker Dismisses Claims Of Public Funds Misappropriation


Embu County Deputy Speaker Ibrahim Swaleh has dismissed public claims that members of the Embu County Assembly are misappropriating public funds, resulting in reduced capitation and bursaries for schoolchildren.

Swaleh, speaking at the Kangaru Vocations Training Centre, stated that Assembly members are aligning public resources with the County Executive budget.

"Our role as County Assembly members is to align resources with the budget, not to change items in the budget. The executive members are the ones responsible for making the budget," said Swaleh.

Swaleh clarified that contrary to the claims, MCAs advocate for increased development funding.

He noted that MCAs participate in policymaking related to budgeting, which includes proposing amendments to the budget to address emerging needs and priorities.

"The current budget proposal for primary school capitation is Ksh.8,500. When we bring this to the assembly, we are the ones who advocate for the increase. For example, you brought a bursary allocation of Ksh.50 million, and we advocate for its increase to Ksh.100 million," he explained.

Swaleh suggested that the reduction in public funds in Embu County could be due to the current county government repaying debts inherited from the previous administration.

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