Donald Kipkorir To Governor Sakaja: You Will Pay Me My Billions Whether You Like It or Not

 In the escalating feud between flamboyant lawyer Donald Kipkorir and Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, the lawyer today sent an open letter to the governor.

To recap, DBK is demanding over Sh1.6 billion in legal fees from Nairobi County, which Sakaja has refused to pay.

Last week, Kipkorir accused Sakaja of using intermediaries to demand a 50% bribe before releasing the funds. He then urged the EACC to investigate the matter.

 “Now that fear has gone, I can tell you something … Last month, Nairobi County Assembly Budget Committee together with Governor Sakaja Johnson were in Naivasha preparing the County’s Supplementary Budget. They called me that they want to approve all my payments if I give them 50% of the sums I am owed. I told them, my fees are in accordance with The Advocates (Remuneration) Order & decreed by Court & I won’t pay a bribe.”

Sakaja soon responded, denying the allegations and urging Kipkorir to name the specific person who asked for the bribe.

The two are still at it, and on Friday morning, the lawyer reiterated his stance that the money he’s owed must be paid. He repeated the 50% bribe accusations, and also mentioned Sakaja’s alleged fake degree.

He also rubbished Sakaja’s ambitions, telling him that he has no chance in assuming any higher elected office.

It’s clear there’s no love lost between the two.

Here’s the open letter.

Open letter to Sakaja Johnson My friends inform me that you were in a radio station today morning abusing me. Let me restate the following for HISTORY:

1. I have acted for NAIROBI CITY during the reigns of Zipporah Wandera, Philip Kisia, Evans Kidero & Mike Sonko. In all the matters I acted for the City, I won ALL the cases. I didn’t lose any case. NOT ONE. Check your records.

2. As City Hall wasn’t paying my legal fees, SUO MOTO, I ceased being a lawyer for Nairobi City in 2018.

3. Legal Fees in Kenya are regulated by The Advocates Act & its subsidiary legislation, The Advocates (Remuneration) Order. It is not based on the whims of any individual. And not yours. My fees will be paid in accordance with the law.

4. What you fail to inform your listeners is that the High Court refused to grant you stay Orders on my fees. So, I don’t understand your false bluster and bravado. But I guess you don’t read or understand advise from your current Attorneys.

5. You pay Legal Fees to those that give you 50% of it. You pay other Contractors & Suppliers who give you upto 30%. You approve building construction to those that allocate you floors or apartments.

6. As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, very soon, very soon, both @EACCKenya & @DCI_Kenya will arrest & charge you with the plethora of corruption & open public theft.

7. Know that there is no time limitation on crime in Kenya. You may have had political cover in 2022 that allowed you to run on a forged Degree from River Road but soon, you will be charged with FORGERY, Uttering Forged Document & Perjury. You will refund all the money you have illegally earned & stolen

8. You will never replace DP Rigathi Gachagua in 2027 nor run for Presidency in 2032. Kenyans now know you are a fraudster & a charlatan. Your ambition to amass Billions to replace Riggy G is a fools errand.

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