City Pastor On The Run Over An Alleged Ksh 600M Jobs Scam


Pastor James Wanjohi of Jesus Culture Ministries in Roysambu is on the run with detectives continuing to pursue him for running a job scam where he defrauded Ksh. 600 million from over 4,000 job seekers.

Wanjohi's company, WorthStart Africa, is accused of duping over 4,000 job seekers, some of whom paid up to KSh140,000, by promising them job opportunities in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. 

However, investigations have revealed that these jobs did not exist, prompting victims to seek refunds.

Investigators raided and searched Wanjohi's company last week in response to numerous public complaints about the agency's fraudulent activities. 

Many of the company's employees and directors have been arrested and are currently in police custody. 

However, Wanjohi, the main suspect, is currently on the run.

Victims learned about WorthStart Africa through Wanjohi's promotions at his church, Jesus Culture Ministries, where he promoted the company. He also sponsored advertisements on local radio and television stations.

According to those who have filed statements, Wanjohi went to great lengths, including falsifying financial documents, to get VISAs for the victims. 

Some have even been barred from travelling to certain countries as a result of the fraudulent scheme.

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