Wiper Party Leader Dr. Kalonzo Calls For Swift Resolution Of Doctors Strike


Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has criticised the Kenya Kwanza government for failing to resolve the ongoing nationwide doctors' strike, which has seen medics lay down their tools in protest of unresolved grievances for more than three weeks.

Speaking at Athi River, Machakos County, after a caucus with Wiper leaders on Friday, Kalonzo accused President William Ruto's administration of prioritizing non-essential agenda items, such as the proposal to reintroduce Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) positions, over addressing the doctors' strike.

Kalonzo further lamented the suffering of Kenyans as a result of what he termed as the government's misplaced priorities.

"We are losing so many Kenyans. Somebody somewhere should have a heart of flesh, not stone. It is not normal for doctors to go on strike. We are urging that this matter be brought to a conclusion to stop the suffering of Kenyans including the doctors themselves," he said.

Kalonzo further asserted that the ongoing back and forth between the State and the medics highlights ineptitude and a lack of professionalism on the government's part.

 "They are not asking for anything out of the ordinary. Even apart from the interns, there are doctors who have graduated and are currently unemployed after several years in school. As of last year, they were more than 4,000," he said.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti echoed similar sentiments, advocating for a joint meeting between the government, medics and the 47 county governments to address the issue amicably to avert the ongoing nationwide health crisis.

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