Two men filmed hanging dangerously from moving car charged


Two suspects captured on video hanging dangerously from a moving vehicle on Mombasa road in Nairobi were today arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts for endangering life of other road users. 

The two suspects Peleg Mosongo Monari and Peter Igadwa Aggrey were convicted on their own plea of guilty.

They were charged with riding in a dangerous position contrary to section 61 (1) as read with section 61 (4) of the Traffic Act.

According to the Charge sheet, on April 20, 2024, at about 1500 HRS along Mombasa Road within Nairobi being passengers of a motor vehicle registration number KCX 959B make Mercedes Benz did ride dangerously by sitting on the door of the said motor vehicle.

They both pleaded guilty to the charge. They have since been remanded awaiting the pre-sentencing report tomorrow.

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