Safaricom Boosts Connected Africa Summit 2024 with Ksh.20 Million Sponsorship


Safaricom has sent a KSh.20 Million cheque to Mr. EliudOwalo, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy, in in support of the Connected Africa Summit 2024, which is being organised by the ICT Authority (ICTA).

CS Owalo expressed gratitude for Safaricom's sponsorship and highlighted its important contribution to the Summit's funding, remarking that it will enable the African region have a clear roadmap in response to the dynamic global digital landscape.

The commitment of Safaricom in funding the present and past Connected Summits was praised by Eng. John Tanui, Principal Secretary for ICT and the Digital Economy, who also noted that the influence of this year's Summit will be felt throughout the ICT industry. 

The Chief Enterprise Business Officer of Safaricom, Ms. Cynthia Karuri-Kropac, spoke during the cheque presentation and stated that the company is working with the government to support a number of initiatives aimed at advancing the nation's digital transformation and achieving the Vision 2030 Agenda.

Aiming to address the significant opportunities and challenges facing Africa's ICT sector, the five-day summit, which is set for April 21–25 at Nairobi's Uhuru Gardens, will bring together African heads of state, ICT ministers, representatives from the public and private sectors, academia, foreign missions, and development partners, among others.

Emmanuel Kimeu, the secretary of ICT security and audit control, Ms. Mary Kerema, Mr. Stanley Kamanguya, CEO of ICTA, and other Ministry representatives accompanied the CS.

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