Raila Finally Speaks Over Ongoing Doctor's Strike, Issues Stern Ultimatum To Government


Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Thursday issued an ultimatum to President William Ruto over the issues experienced within the health sector. 

In a press conference on Thursday, April 11, Odinga warned that the crisis in the health sector would worsen if other cadres like clinical officers, join the strike. 

"We are of the view that the situation is moving from bad to worse, and soon, we will have a full-blown crisis in which all health workers will down their tools. Already, clinical officers have joined," Raila said.

The opposition chief asked the government reinstate the intern doctors' Ksh206,000 salary until the next CBA negotiations.

"After very wide consultations, I am convinced that the doctors and all other health workers currently on strike will be able to craft a return-to-work formula and resume duty if the government were to meet their demands halfway while negotiations continue,” Odinga argued. 

 The opposition leader went on to say that the Ministry of Health is responsible for paying school fees for doctors who want to further their education, while counties pay their salaries.

“My understanding is that while Counties have kept their side of the arrangement, the Ministry of Health has failed to do so since 2018, thus doctors can’t graduate from their courses,” he added. 

Odinga also advised the government to hold a meeting with the counties to resolve the issue of pay for doctors who have overstayed in colleges.

 "I have been shocked to learn that some of our high-end hospitals are hiring doctors on 1-3 months contracts. The Ministry must lay down rules that ensure fair, respectful and sustainable labour practices."

Raila also addressed the issue surrounding the unprocedural termination of contracts, citing recent steps taken by various counties on striking county doctors. 

"I believe that the above actions if taken in consultation with the union, will see us avert the crisis that is building up in the health sector," he added. 
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