Parents want school bus drivers vetted


The National Parents Association has urged the government to ensure that drivers who transport children to and from school follow the required road safety standards.

The association wants the Traffic (Amendment) Act 2017 to be enforced by the Ministries of Transport, Education, and the Interior.

“The government should form a task force to investigate the road accidents. There should be no night travel for vehicles carrying students,” NPA chairman Silas Obuhatsa said.

He added that the task force should come up with recommendations and advise the government on ending the carnage.

“I call on bus and matatu drivers to exercise caution when students are among their passengers. Itis painful to lose a child,” he told Nation.

Mr Obuhatsa said the government must ensure PSV crews get full road safety training and undergo medical check-ups. He added that their age needs to be verified.

The association advised police to ensure PSVs and school buses have speed governors.

“Let us have private monitoring measures on roads, including plainclothes police officers to apprehend motorists who break the law,” he said.

Mr Obuhatsa said a bus with only students as booked passengers should have a transport manager and a nurse.

On March 18, eleven Kenyatta University students died in a road accident in Maugu, Taita Taveta County. Forty six others were injured.

The students were heading to Mombasa for an academic trip when their bus collided with a trailer.

A Chavakali High School student died when a bus overturned in Kisumu on Monday.
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