Online Attack Lands Businessman in Hot Water


The Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions through Prosecutor Sonia Njoki has successfully convinced the Court to allow a five-day detention order application against businessman, Samuel Brian Yongo Otumba over alleged cyber harassment.

Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Dolphina Alego ordered police to record statements from the complainant, Rajendra Shanghani, who is the managing director of Granada Trading Company Limited.

State prosecutor Sonia Njoki told the magistrate that police were investigating a case of computer abuse and cybercrime against Yongo.

Njoki said a report had been lodged at Parklands police station by Shanghani, who claimed he had been harassed and threatened by Yongo.

The magistrate heard that Yongo had called Shanghani on WhatsApp regarding a case against John Malongo of Subru Motors, who was facing charges at the Kibera Magistrate’s Court.

The court heard that Yongo told Shanghani that they were planning to smear his name after he had been appointed by Malongo to look into his accounts and deal with the matter accordingly.

Shanghani claims that during their conversations they fell out with Yongo after he requested to meet him on a Friday night, which he refused, claiming that the suspect had started making threats.

Written By Cyrus Kimanga

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