Narok: Police Officer Opens Fire Inside Bar After His Phone Was Held For Failing To Pay Ksh.2,000 Bill


A rogue police officer opened fire inside a wines and spirits joint in Narok after a scuffle with an attendant over an unpaid bill.

According to a police report, the cop identified as Dennis Imai went to enjoy his drink at JJ Wines and Spirits on Sunday evening April 7, 2024, and his bill totaled Ksh2,220.

The officer however could not settle the bill and the barmaid Jackline Jemeli confiscated his phone.

"Dennis Imai visited JJ Wines and Spirits at around 6 pm on Sunday when Jackline Jemeli immediately snatched his phone for the previous beer bill," part of the police report stated.

The officer left the joint and returned half an hour later clad in full police uniform and armed with a rifle.

Imai asked to be given his phone back and when the attendant failed to comply with his order he opened fire inside the wines and spirit.

"He opened one round of fire before a boda-boda rider [whom he went to the joint with] whisked him away," the report said.

No injuries were reported.

Police could not recover the spent cartridge, suspecting the rogue officer recovered it before he fled.

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