Nairobi Speaker Sued For Allegedly Ordering Reconstitution Of Select Committee on Public Accounts


The Nairobi City County Assembly Speaker Hon. Kennedy Ng'ondi has yet again been sued for allegedly illegally, unprocedurally and prematurely ordering the reconstitution of the select committee on public accounts.

According to the petitioners, Hon. Robert Alai the MCA for Kileleshwa Ward and Hon. Redson Otieno MCA for Ngei ward, the Conty Assembly Speaker On 17th April 2024, issued a communication dubbed “Communication from the Chair No. 19 of 2024” and titled “Reconstitution of Committees” (Hereinafter “the Communication”), through which he purports to illegally, unprocedurally and prematurely order for the reconstitution of the Select Committee on Public Accounts and Sectoral Committee on Water and Sanitation, to which the two MCAs belong as member and chairman respectively.

The two MCAs submits that the Communication and the purported decision to reconstitute the committees therein is out rightly illegal as it contravenes the express provisions of Standing Orders 203(4) and 209(3) of the Nairobi City County Assembly Standing Orders, 3rd Edition (Hereinafter “the Standing Orders”) as the mandatory term of three (3) years is yet to lapse.

Further, they say the Communication and the purported decision to reconstitute the Committees is further illegal as it contravenes the express provisions of Standing Orders 168(2), 169(1), 171 and 172 of the Standing Orders on the nomination, criteria for nomination and approval of members to the committees.

They say that the Speaker's decision in the Communication is a ploy to settle personal and political scores with the Applicants by disbanding and effectively removing them from the committees to which they belong, which further makes the said decision unreasonable, illegal and ultra vires.

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