Medic Mother Dies In House Fire While Rescuing 2-Year-Old Son


The village of Madzindani in Kaloleni, Kilifi County, is in mourning after the death of Huldah Mahikizo, a clinical officer at Port Reitz Hospital in Mombasa.

According to reports, the medic died in a fire on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, while she attempted to rescue her two year old son from their house.

Witnesses who spoke to the media revealed that at the time of the incident, Huldah was at her chemist when she was informed that a fire had broken out at her house. That's when she rushed home and attempted to rescue her child.

"We were just sitting as neighbours in the evening when we saw smoke. We started calling neighbours. Mahikizo, who was in her chemist, which is in her compound but a distance from the main house, came to save the child who was sleeping, but the fire overwhelmed her," one of the witnesses said.

According to witnesses, Huldah braved the wildly spreading fire and went into the house to save her child who was sleeping in the master bedroom. Unfortunately, she was overwhelmed by the smoke and lost her life in the process.

Her husband, Mr George Sewaali was at a neighbour's house when the fire broke out. By the time he got word of the incident and rushed home, it was a little too late. Their eldest daughter, a grade three pupil, was outside the house when the fire broke out.

"The masons working nearby were the first ones who rushed to their rescue. My son was sleeping. When I arrived and entered the house, I called for my wife, but there was no response. The fire officers came and that's when we were able to get to them, but it was too late. They were both gone," said Mr Sewaali. 

He explained that everything was fine when he left their home to help a neighbour with fencing.

According to the witnesses, Huldah's lifeless body was discovered on the floor of their bathroom. They believe, in an attempt to locate the exit in the midst of the smoke, the medic stumbled into the bathroom where she was overwhelmed by the fumes and collapsed.

The neighbours faulted the county fire department located in Mariakani for delaying in responding to the scene.

"The villagers made every effort to extinguish the fire, fetching water from nearby wells and even breaking through the roof to access the house. The fire truck arrived approximately two hours later," Ms Tabugoma Kalama told the press. 

As at the time of her death, Huldah also served as the treasurer for the Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) Mombasa branch.

"Kenya Union of Clinical Officers and the entire clinical officers fraternity is mourning. Our condolences go out to her family, friends, and the entire clinical officers fraternity during this difficult time," the union said in a statement. 
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