Man Wants Court To Order Police Officers To Return His Bible


An accused person pleaded with the Court to order police officers to return his Bible so that he can continue preaching the word of God in his next life in cells.

Allan Kimani Kabuge appeared before Milimani Law Courts facing charges of stealing a DVD player valued at Ksh 7,100.

After the Court clerk read the charges, Kimani said he was innocent and that he was framed.

He immediately raised his hand attracting attention of the Court where he was given time to address the Court.

He then informed Court that the arresting police officer confiscated his Bible and that he would like to proceed with the word of God in his prison life.

"Your honor, the police officers who arrested me confiscated my bible, I request that you order them to return it so that I can continue preaching the word of God in my next life in cells. " pleaded Kimani.

The court ordered the arresting Police officer to appear in court to shed light on the whereabouts of the bible alleged to have been confiscated.

The Court consequently released the accused on Ksh 50,000 cash bail.

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