KDF Chopper Crash: Sergeant Rose Nyawira Buried In Kirinyaga


Sergeant Rose Nyawira, one of the military personnel killed in the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) helicopter crash on April 18, 2024, was buried on Thursday in Kirinyaga County.

Sergeant Nyawira was one of nine who died, along with KDF Chief General Francis Ogolla.

She was General Ogolla's photographer and is from Kagio, Mwea West.

“We have been preparing for her burial with several people attending and today is her burial in my Kagio home,” Sergeant Nyawira’s father Peter Wachira said.

On the other hand, Senior Sergeant John Kinyua Muriithi who died in the crash will be buried on Friday, according to his father Josphat Muriithi.

Kinyua hails from Kirimunge village in Kirinyaga Central.
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