ACK Bishops Ban Politics In Churches, Funerals


The Bishops of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Nyanza have reiterated their opposition to politics in churches and funerals across the region.

The church leaders stated that funeral services and church functions are not political arenas and that leaders should not discuss politics on such occasions.

The clergy urged ACK member churches in the region not to allow politicians to use church pulpits as political rallying points.

In a joint statement, the bishops chastised leaders who use church donations as bait to discuss politics in church, saying they could just keep their offerings.

Giving to the church for political reasons, according to the bishops, is immoral and should be avoided at all costs.

They urged Nyanza politicians to respect such lines of engagement, pointing out that church leaders do not interfere with political events.

Speaking after a prayer service in Nyakach, church leaders stated that funerals should be left to mourners and grieving families, and that leaders should not turn such events into political rallies.

The Bishops included Rev. Dr. Joshua Owiti (Maseno East), Rev. Dr. Simon Onyango (Southern Nyanza), Rev. John Orina (Upper Southern Nyanza), Rev. Mark Godia (Maseno West), Rev. Charles Onginjo (Maseno South), Rev. Dr. Emily Onyango (Bondo), and Prof. David Kodia (Bondo).
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