Senior police officer stoned to death during crackdown on illicit brew


A senior police officer was Wednesday stoned to death during an operation to recover suspected illicit alcohol in Ndori, Rarieda, Siaya County.

Inspector Simon Mwangi Kariuki of Ndori police station was attacked by villagers as he attempted to arrest a suspected illicit brew dealer at Oyude market. 

The woman was found with 21 sachets of the said alcohol and four packets of cigarettes that they said were for export.

However, the woman raised an alarm, drawing nearby residents to her aid. The mob began to pelt stones at Inspector Kariuki and his colleague. And despite firing warning shots into the air in an attempt to disperse the mob, Kariuki’s efforts proved futile.

His pistol was snatched by the assailants before they fled the scene.

The officer’s body was subsequently transferred to Lwak Mission Hospital mortuary for autopsy and further procedures.

Following the incident, a team of police officers was dispatched to the area to recover the weapon and apprehend those responsible for the fatal attack.

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