Three Arrested Over A Ksh 3.4 Billion Mavoko Land Fraud


Three people were today arraigned in court facing charges of defrauding a parcel of land valued at ksh 3.4 billion.

The three accused persons, Mohamed Kuroyow, Mohamed and Adow Ahmed Mohamed are said to have defrauded Drumvale Farmers Cooperative a parcel of land located at Mavoko in Machakos County.

According to the charge sheet, the three suspects, at an unknown place and time within the Republic of Kenya, conspired to defraud Drumvale Farmers Cooperative Society of the parcel of land measuring 141.5 ha valued at Ksh 3,400,000,000.

They were also charged with procuring a forged certificate of lease for the said parcel of land.

Further, they were charged with forcible detention of the said land contrary to the law.

Appearing before magistrate Robinson Ondieki at Milimani Law Courts, the accused persons denied the charges and were released on a Ksh 10 million bond with an alternative cash bail of Ksh 8 million.

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