Tap Tap! Pastor Kanyari joins TikTok, begins live sessions to raise money


Controversial Pastor Kanyari excited his fans when he appeared to preach live on video sharing app TikTok.

In his premier session, the televangelist told off Preachers who condemn Tiktok.

"Tap tap guys tufike 21k, tafadhali tap tap, ahsante." he said.

On Friday night, Kanyari took to TikTok live, urging his followers to send him ‘gifts’ in exchange for heavenly blessings.

For over an hour, Kanyari remained on the live stream, encouraging viewers to continuously send him TikTok ‘gifts’, using scripture to incentivize their contributions.

At some point, saying, “Nimeshinda nikiombea hawa watu, nikiambia Mungu, yoyote alituma zawadi yake nikiwa live abarikiwe sana… “

As the gifts poured in (which essentially translates to monetary contributions), Kanyari urged his followers to dig deeper into their pockets to “receive their blessings”.

“Chukua kile ambacho uko nacho, ile gift uko nayo, itume saa hizi na mimi nitapiga makofi yangu niseme ubarikiwe…” Kanyari repeatedly said.

Known for his persuasive skills, Kanyari reminded his audience of his past deeds and contributions towards them, suggesting that by sending him TikTok gifts, they were reciprocating his years of ministry.

“Kama nimekuwa baraka kwako basi hata wewe kuwa baraka katika huduma hii,” he rallied. “Sio Kana kwamba niko na shida ya pesa ama niko na shida ya hizo zawadi ambazo zinapeanwa katika TikTok lakini bibilia inasema mkono utoao ndio mkono ubarikiwao…”

Although the exact amount raised during the livr session remains undisclosed, Kanyari likely pocketed a substantial sum, judging by the high activity of gifts being sent on the screen.

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