Tanzanian singer TID finally explains his viral clip ‘Who is this Guy’

 Tanzanian singer TID finally explained the circumstances surrounding his viral video ‘Who is this guy’ that has put him on trends for weeks.

TID mentioned that he was busy doing an interview when a bodaboda rider passed by triggering him to call out the rider.

He added that he was under a tight schedule of doing interviews back to back and he felt like the incident was about to mess up with his plan.

He also clarified that it was never a planned thing.

“That was a real situation, we were from a radio Interview then another blogger tried to interview me. And you know in life sometimes some coincidences cannot be avoided.

Like that incident, someone on a bodaboda interrupting your interview and it really pissed me of. I was trying to make a point. I have new music and I have every reason to tell people but the passersby don’t see that,” TID said in part.

Asked on whether he expected the said video to trend he replied; “It’s not something I expected but sometimes God works in mysterious ways. At the of the day I’m here and it looks like everybody wants to have a piece of that,”.

At the same time, TID said that he is working on an album together with his band dubbed Top Band.

“We have reunited with my other brothers and we have a new track called Wali Nazi that is already out as we work on the album,” he said.

TID also noted that he  was happy to be in Kenya.

“Thank you very much for having me today. It’s been a while since I was here for an Interview. So I’m here for shows and media tour since the virality of my video ‘Why are you passing around during my interview,” TID noted.

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