Raila Joins Leaders In Mourning Gen. Ogolla

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga shared his message of condolences to the nation.

"A terrible day for Kenya: My wife Ida and I are deeply saddened and profoundly shocked by the passing of General. Francis Ogolla, the Chief of Defence Forces. We join the nation in mourning his loss."

Raila eulogized the late General Ogolla as "a true patriot, a highly decorated soldier, and a consummate professional who served our country with unwavering dedication."

"We also extend our very heartfelt condolences to the families of the KDF team who were accompanying General Ogolla. We know that at this moment words will not be enough to console your tremendous grief. We pray the Lord may give you comfort. May the souls of all those who have departed find eternal peace," Raila said.

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale and Rachael Ruto are among the public figures who mourned Ogolla.

"As the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, I had the privilege of working closely with General Ogolla, both as the Vice and Chief of Defence Forces. He was, to me, a brother first, then a friend, colleague and lastly, a General and a member of the Defense council."

"His legacy will forever be cherished in our hearts and in our nation's history. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those of the other officers in the ill-fated flight."

Prof. Kithure Kindiki recollected his memories working alongside Ogolla and the fallen pilot.

"Tonight, a dark cloud hangs over Kenya, following the death of the Chief of Defence Forces General Francis Ogolla and nine other military officers who have perished while on duty to protect our Country."

"I had the previlege of working closely with General Ogolla during the past 18 months, and I ocassionally flew with his late pilot on my journeys to Northern Kenya and the Boni Enclave."

"General Ogolla and his nine colleagues have lost their lives in the service of our Country. Kenya is much poorer without them and their courage and patriotism will forever linger. Much sympathies to their families."

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