Kenyans Beware! Two Fake Inspectors Are Targeting Retail Outlets - KEBS

The Multi-Works and Rights Enforcements Co. Ltd., a company identifying itself as affiliated with the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), has been reported by the KEBS as two businesses that are defrauding Kenyans by conducting product inspections in retail outlets that are allegedly in violation of the Standards Act and enabling legislation. 

A variety of offences are covered by these allegations, including invasions of commercial spaces, the seizure of merchandise, bribery on the scene, and the arrest and detention of those in charge of retail locations in order to extract ransom payments from them.

KEBS, being the leading government authority for conformity assessment in the nation, lays great importance on maintaining its reputation, security, and stakeholders' trust, especially the business community.

KEBS has advised Kenyans that when their staff are out of station in the execution of its legal mandate, which includes conducting market surveillance, they officially identify themselves and, where applicable, produce the Certificates of Appointments and KEBS Staff Identification Cards confirming the authenticity of the assignment.

This identification can be further confirmed by sending an SMS with HR#Staff Number to 20023.

It is consequently engaging with the relevant authorities with the aim of instituting criminal proceedings against the organisations, its members and its enablers.

Business operators confronted by individuals claiming to work for KEBS, who fail to identify themselves and their assignment as described above should immediately report the matter to KEBS.

Finally KEBS noted that payments for their services are made ONLY via the E-Citizen platform, using the pay bill number 222222. And advised Kenyans not send money to individual mobile phone numbers.

By Vanessa Kariuki  


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