Homabay: Man Jailed for 26-years for defiling minor

 Homabay Law courts Chief Magistrate Hon. Charles Soi Mutai sentenced a middle-aged man to serve 26 years in prison for defiling a 13 year old child.

The accused Isaac Otieno Okal is believed to have committed the heinous act on the minor on August 9th 2023 at Randung village in Rangwe Sub County, Homabay County.

While delivering the sentence, the magistrate emphasized the compelling evidence presented by six prosecution witnesses, including the victim herself, which unequivocally established the guilt of the accused beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

Furthermore, the magistrate highlighted the crucial role of DNA evidence, which conclusively linked the accused to the crime.

The Magistrate said that Courts must always be ready to protect the interests of children and victims of Gender base violence while balancing the scales of Justice to avoid and prevent wrongful convictions.

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