Eight Artists Arrested For Insulting Museveni At A Wedding Anniversary


At least eight members of the Crane Performers, a cultural entertainment group have been arrested by police for allegedly insulting President Museveni as he delivered his speech during the 50th marriage anniversary of former prime minister Amama Mbabazi. 

Mbabazi and his wife, Jacqueline Mbabazi on Saturday hosted family and friends at Serena Hotel Kampala to celebrate their 50 years in marriage. It is alleged that as Museveni was addressing the guests at around 11 pm, some Crane Performers members allegedly shouted at the president in Runyankole for overspeaking.

The words in Runyankole, according to security sources were ‘Rutabandana Waturusya Rugahamuzindaro’ loosely translated as “you’re over speaking, we are tired, leave the microphone.”

Senior security sources said that this shocked very many people, and they turned to see who would dare insult the president. Lt Tonny Komakech, a member of Special Forces Command (SFC) which guards the president said he had seen the Crane Performers members abusing the fountain of honour.

“Immediately, security rounded up Crane Performers as suspects who had insulted the president. The group’s director Gordon Kayovu was among the suspects,” sources said.

Other members of Crane Performers that were arrested and taken to Kampala Central police station include; Edward Tugume, 37, David Muvunyi, 47, Walter Oleng, 38, Simon Bebwa, 27, Paul Ruduli, and Tonny Okello.

A case file on reference CPS K’LA CRB 614/2024 was opened on Sunday where charges of insulting the person of the president were preferred against the suspects.

“We recorded the statements on Sunday from the suspects and witnesses. They were interviewed in the presence of SFC,” sources said.

Patrick Onyango, Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson said he had not been briefed about anything related to insulting the person of the president. However, sources said the Directorate of Forensic Science (DFS) was invited to profile and fingerprint the suspects at CPS.

“It was a tense situation as everything was being done or directed by SFC. Whatever police did was also recorded by SFC. It was established that all the arrested suspects had microphones at the time of the occurrence,” sources said.

However, sources said a directive has since been given to one of the SFC officers to ensure that the suspects are not taken to court, but are released on police bond since its director Gordon Kayovu is a known ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party diehard.

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