Drama, Performing Arts To Be Made Compulsory In CBC

Ezekiel Machogu, the Education Cabinet Secretary, has announced that performing arts will henceforth be required in the Competency-Based Curriculum.

Speaking at Kangaru Girls High School in Embu County as he presided over the Kenya National Drama and Music Festivals, Mr Machogu emphasised that the performing arts have been included into the CBC and would be taught from pre-primary to tertiary levels.

Furthermore, he stated that all schools will be expected to participate in the performing arts competition.

"Performing art is not optional, it is compulsory and the government is taking the matter seriously," the minister stated.

The CS stated that the government was determined to see the CBC flourish for the sake of the children and the country's progress.

Machogu added that the government would hire 20,000 more teachers to manage CBC and provide additional classrooms in primary schools to accommodate junior secondary school students.

He stated that Sh9 billion will be allocated this year for infrastructural development to provide space for students.

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