CS Owalo Officially Launches Huawei DigiTruck Digital Literacy Skills Program

The DigiTruck Digital Literacy Skills Programme, created by Huawei, has officially been launched by Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo for Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy.

The CS praised Huawei for initiating the free digital skills training programme aimed at young people. According to Owalo, digital skilling will enable the best possible use of the digital infrastructure.

He declared that Kenya is eager to install digital infrastructure, including 1,450 digital hubs, 25,000 Wi-Fi hotspots, and 100,000 km of fibre optic cable.

Principal Secretary for ICT and the Digital Economy, Eng. John Tanui, said the DigiTruck is a fantastic project that will promote digital business across the continent.

The DigiTruck, according to Mr Steven Zhang, Deputy CEO of Huawei Kenya's Public Affairs, is a mobile classroom that uses solar power, computers, cell phones, internet access, and an Idea hub, a smart screen, to teach young people in rural Kenya the necessary digital skills.

ICTA CEO Mr Stanley Kamanguya, CA Board Chairperson Mary Wambui, ICT ministers from Africa, and other Ministry representatives were among the dignitaries in attendance.

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