CS Kindiki Declares Doctors' Strike Illegal, Issues Directive


Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has weighed in on the ongoing doctors’ strike terming it illegal.

In a statement on Tuesday, April 9, Kindiki said the Employment and Labour Relations Court on April 3 ordered the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists & Dentists Union (KMPDU) and three other parties involved in the dispute to engage in conciliation and negotiation proceedings within fourteen days and thereafter file a memorandum of understanding on minimum service guarantees in public health institutions.

The Interior CS noted that the participants in the industrial action by health workers have defied the court order and threatened to use violence against health workers who have opted not to participate in the strike.

“The participants in the unlawful industrial action have repeatedly threatened to disrupt service delivery in health institutions, to interfere with the daily activities of the non-participating health workers, and to undermine public order generally.

“Gatherings, protests or whatever other action(s) in pursuit of grievances outside the law and in breach of court directives undermines the constitutional order of the Country and are, therefore, not permissible,” read the statement in part.

CS Kindiki directed law enforcement agencies to use lawful means and resources available to prevent any disruption of services and protect Kenyans and medical practitioners who have resumed their duties.

“Law enforcement agencies are directed to ensure strict maintenance of law and order to protect the general public and the health workers who have chosen to obey the court order by providing services pending the resolution of the labour dispute,” Kindiki stated.

The doctors’ strike entered its fourth week on Monday with KMPDU officials insisting they want the government to implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) conceived in 2017 and medical interns to be posted to hospitals.

President William Ruto on Sunday stated that there was no money available to be spent on intern doctors.

He pointed out that the doctors need to realize that the country doesn't have the resources to raise wages for its workers.

"We have a situation with our doctors and interns. I want to implore them that it is important for us as a nation to agree that we must live within our means. We cannot continue to spend the money we don't have," said Ruto.

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