Court Cancels Bond Of Six Suspects Accused of Murdering Former Juja MP George Thuo

Court has convicted and cancelled bond of six suspects accused of murdering Former Juja MP George Thuo on November 17, 2013.

Justice Roslyn Korir in her judgement said that the prosecution had sufficiently proved their case against Paul Wainaina Boiyo, Christopher Lumbasio Andika, Andrew Karanja Wainaina, Samuel Kuria Ngugi, Esther Ndinda Mulinge and Ruth Vanessa Irungu in the murder of Hon. Thuo.

The Judge said that in her findings after the closure of both the prosecution and defense case, the late Juja MP George Thuo was poisoned at Porkies Club in Thika.

According to the Judge, the evidence adduced was sufficient and was not based on suspicion.

The Judge also agreed with doctors' reports that Thuo's cause of death was hemorrhagic gastroenteritis as a result Cyhalothrin pesticide poisoning.

The poison was traced in his liver, kidney and the shirt the ex-MP was wearing on the material day.

"I find the forensic evidence clearly shows Thuo consumed a poisoned laced drink at Porkies club," the Judge said.

The Judge said the prosecution evidence did not show any of the accused had the poison but that alone would not exonerate them if there was any circumstantial evidence linking them to the murder.

"Poison is a chemical weapon. I reject the submission that they would be acquitted if they are not found in possession of the poison," said the Judge.

The Judge also cancelled the accused person's bond and ordered them to be detained in prison awaiting mitigation and sentencing.

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