Charles Kahariri To Serve As Acting Chief of Defence Forces


Lieutenant General Charles Muriu Kahariri, the Vice Chief of Defence Forces, will serve as Chief of Defence Forces until a substantive appointment is made, according to officials.

This comes after CDF Gen Francis Ogolla died in a helicopter crash on Thursday, April 18, in the Sindar area, Kaben location, Tot division, Elgeyo Marakwet.

According to officials, there was no vacuum in the military, and Gen Kahariri served as acting CDF immediately following the tragedy.

According to officials, this will continue until the President appoints and names a substantive General in accordance with the law.

According to officials, the Defence Council will meet to discuss who will be the next military commander and advise the president on who will make the appointment.

"There is no vacuum. "There is a VCDF who will act until a new and substantive CDF is appointed," said an official familiar with the situation.

Retired Gen Daudi Tonje also told journalists at his Kitale home that there is no military vacuum because there is a VCDF.

"The VCDF will take over for now until when the president announces the substantive holder"The Kenya Defence Forces Act states that a CDF, his deputy, and service commanders must serve a single four-year term or retire at the mandatory retirement age.

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