Governor Sakaja Threatens To Fire Nairobi Doctors On Strike


Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja has given Nairobi County Government doctors 12 hours to resume work failure to which he will through Nairobi County Public Service Board institute disciplinary actions against them.

According to city governor the strike stands  suspended as directed by industrial  court and that the medics should heed to talks path.

“What I am dealing with now is saving lives, you can negotiate your return to work formula when giving service to the people that can happen this is not a Matatu strike, it is not a teacher’s strike this is a strike of people who preserve life I don’t have any obligation to consult the KMPDU National office …I was consulting with Doctors who are employees of Nairobi City County Government. The Collective Bargaining agreement they are talking about are 47 each county has one. Another CBA is with National government which of course we are not party to that. It means I can only act on that of Nairobi City County. They have 12 hours to resume work I have advised them because am also a unionist, you can show solidarity in a different way. Problems of other counties should not prevent me from delivering health services.” Sakaja said.

According to Sakaja he will not let Nairobians suffer because of an illegal strike.

“Nairobi is unique those doctors who will fail to resume work shall face disciplinary actions.” He added.

Meanwhile the KMPDU Secretary General Dr. Devji Atellah says the strike is on and no amount of intimidation and pressure will make them back off.

He said  they have genuine demands that must be addressed by the government.

“Strike is on .We know very well that we have had a promise before, that  interns were to be posted in February. We also had a promise that they would be posted in March. We have been given another promise that they will be posted in April.” Devji stated.

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